Sunday, November 9, 2014

Breakfast and Weight Loss: Why You Should Not Skip Breakfast

One of the things most people take for granted is breakfast. It is assumed that breakfast does not play any role at all in the well being of the individual. That makes most people skip breakfast. Apart from this, people give many reasons why they don't take breakfast in the morning. Some claim they are too busy in the morning to have breakfast; others say they simply don't feel hungry. However, there are many reasons why each person should eat a good breakfast.

Breakfast restores energy levels

The body goes into a fasting mode during sleep. When you wake up in the morning your system is low on energy. Your body runs on the energy reserves it has built up, and therefore runs slowly. A good breakfast is a way of replenishing the energy stock of the body so that it can run well during the day. Just as you cannot drive a car for a long journey on reserve fuel, you cannot drive your body on reserve fuel.

Those who eat breakfast are more likely to have a more fruitful and productive day. They are better able to perform tasks that require high mental coordination. They are able to focus more on whatever they are doing so they achieve the targeted result. Those who don't take breakfast have low blood sugar levels and are therefore not able hit the day with the necessary zeal and enthusiasm.

Eating breakfast makes you more active

The brain is the most important organ in our body. It is the organ that stimulates all other organs in the body. The energy the brain needs to do all this work is glucose. In the morning glucose levels are low and insufficient for the brain. This means that most organs do not receive enough stimulation and you find yourself very dull and lethargic. When the blood sugar levels are boosted through a good breakfast, the brain gets enough glucose to work making you more active.

Eating breakfast helps you lose weight

There are people who refuse to take breakfast because they want to lose weight. They claim that by not eating breakfast, they reduce the amount of calories they take in a day. But studies have confirmed that those who eat good breakfast are better able to control their weight. The fact is that when you eat a good and hearty breakfast, you are not likely to eat unnecessarily during the day.

When you skip breakfast, your body wants to catch up on the energy it could not get in the morning. Therefore your urge for food increases making you to go for junk foods and things like candies and sugar drinks. In the end, you take in more calories from those bits and pieces than you will have taken in a breakfast. What this means is that those who want to lose or maintain weight should rather eat breakfast.

Here are a few things to do in order to be able to have breakfast each morning.

If you are to busy to prepare in the morning, then you can prepare it the previous night so that you save time.  There are no rules as to what to eat for breakfast. You can eat the leftover from the previous evening meal if you like it, or a smoothie, or a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. You can prepare something to carry along to work so that you eat it just before you start. You can even eat on your way to work.

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